CLE Training: Archive

Low-Cost Training to Juvenile Defenders Across Pennsylvania

Harrisburg, PA

PACDL Annual Joint Conference (JDAP Sponsored)

April 24th, 2015, 9:00 AM

6 CLE credits total, 5 substantive and 1 ethics credit

9am – 11am
Identification evidence and the use Identification Experts after Walker Dr. Jonathan P. Vallano, Ph.D

11am – 11:15am Break

11:15am – 12:15 pm
Juvenile SORNA Unconstitutional; Juvenile Sex Offender Registration After In Re JB Marsha Levick, Esq, Riya Shah, Esq and Aaron Marcus, Esq

12:15pm – 1:45pm
Award Luncheon

1:45pm – 3:45pm
Using an Expert in Amenability/Decertification Hearings
Jeffrey Shook, Ph.D, JD, University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work

3:45 – 4pm

4pm – 5pm
Ethical Implications in Advising Clients in Reference to the New Mandatory Reporting Laws Elton Anglada, Esq and Phyllis Subin, Esq

The Harrisburg Hilton
1 N. 2nd Street,
Harrisburg, PA 171011

April 24, 2015

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