CLE Training: Archive

Low-Cost Training to Juvenile Defenders Across Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, PA

Allegheny Juvenile Defender Training (JDAP Sponsored)

September 23rd, 2011, 12:00 AM


9:00-9:30 Registration

9:30-11:00 Phyllis Subin: Effectiveness of Counsel & Client Communication (ethics)

This is a comprehensive examination of formats and mandates regarding client communication and mandatory record keeping in light of the Performance Guidelines and Standards and demonstrated in the Juvenile Notebook. Ms. Subin will update the attendees regarding professional standards, mandates and goals described in State v. ANJ. 225 P. 3d 956, 168 Wash. 2d 91 – Wash: Supreme Court, 2010

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-12:15 Joshua Roberts: When and How to Appeal a Juvenile Delinquent Matter and Proposed Changes to Juvenile Court Procedural Rules

This segment will define for attendees the present state of the Right to Appeal, Ripeness, Expedited Juvenile Appeals, and Motions for Reconsideration etc.

12:15-1:15 Lunch

1:15-2:45 Geoffrey Kilroy: Ballistics 101

Use of Evidence regarding guns and rules regarding Guns in Court rooms.

2:45-3:00 Break

3:00-5:00 Hon. Anthony Mariani ,Anthony Borrero, Kelli Kleeb, Richard Romanko, Dr. Lawrence Sutton, Dr. Stephen Zerby: Use of Mental Health Expert Witnesses and Use of Expert Psychological/Psychiatric Witnesses in Transfer to Adult Proceedings

This segment will allow attendees insight regarding meaningful uses of experts, their preparation and their ultimate application to Transfer to and from Adult Court proceedings. Most importantly, the segment will provide perspective from the bench and the most highly qualified local experts in this area of practice.

Pittsburgh, PA

September 23, 2011

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